Arsenic Lobster poetry journal
Issue Twelve
Winter 2006
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Lane Adamson
Lane is a Texas writer who graduated from high school in 1979 (at the age of 16) and decided he'd had quite enough of academia, much to his parents' dismay -- and his own, later on. More information than you're ever likely to want about the author and his other published works can be found at his website. He lives in the Dallas area with his lovely (and patient) wife and daughter, along with assorted pets, guitars, and neuroses.

John Thomas Allen
Never taking himself too seriously no matter how much he reads, writes or manages to publish, John Allen is a poet who has his roots in a pre-adolescent infatuation with poetic schools like Dadaism and Surrealism. He has been in college far longer than he cares to admit and now, at age 23, is trying to obtain an MA degree in Journalism. He hopes to one day find a group of fellow poets who share his alarmingly boundless sense of black humor and seriousness with regards to resurrecting contemporary poetry from the postmodern sludge it has become mired in. He has recently been nominated for a Best of the Net award for a poem published in the poetry e-zine, Thick With Conviction.

Jennifer Pruden Colligan
Jennifer's poetry is forthcoming or has appeared in Blue Collar Review, English Journal, Bleeding Quill, Chronogram, Lily, Pemmican, Red Owl Magazine and other journals. She received an honorable mention, Fifth Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award, in 2006. She is a former journalist who now works in corporate communications and is getting a master’s in adolescence education at The College of Saint Rose. She lives in Upstate New York.

Jason Fraley
Jason works at an investment firm in West Virginia and is pursing his M.B.A. His wife and cat see him occasionally. He has appeared or is forthcoming in Forklift Ohio, Redactions, Confluence, Pebble Lake Review, Stirring, The Salt River Review, and elsewhere.

Peter Grieco
Peter is a PhD graduate of SUNY Buffalo. He has taught language and literature in Ankara and Seoul, and now teaches writing at Buffalo State College. His publications include Swirling Voices: Considerations of Working class Poetic Property, and Lyric Subject as Communal Fragment in the Works of Claude McKay. His poems have appeared in HARVARD REVIEW, POETALK, and BEAR CREEK HAIKU.

David Hurst
Acting on the assumption that a prolonged misspent youth is preferable to a slow decline into senility, David Hurst achieved an MFA just three years before his AARP eligibility. He is considering coveralls stuffed into unlaced boots and muttering under his breath as a lifestyle, rather than an occasional good time. He lives in Clovis, California, with his wife, several children and various animals. He teaches at the College of the Sequoias and frequently behaves badly.

Kit Kennedy
Writing poetry is a peaceful act. So is walking. So is cooking. So is loving. So is petting a 2-year old cat. Kit lives in San Francisco. Her work appears or will appear in Bombay Gin, Erosha, Frigg, Hiss Quarterly, Mannequin Envy, The Poetry Super Highway, Rainbow Curve, Rogue Scholars, Runes, Saranac Review, Snow Monkey, and Van Gogh's Ear.

Jessi Lee
Jessi has poetry published/forthcoming in After Hours, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Another Chicago Magazine. She has recently stopped wetting the bed and decided to get an MFA.

Christa Mastrangelo
Christa used to be a wandering gypsy, but her husband and daughter have tamed her into living in West Virginia, where they own a lively bistro. She is now using her MFA degree to help her create interesting ways to describe wine to customers and to describe the sky to her 8 week old daughter. She's published poems in Blue Ridge magazine, Sunspinner and The Florida English Journal.

Jane Ormerod
Born on the south coast of England, Jane now lives in New York City. She originally studied fine art but switched to writing as the result of a bet. Her work has appeared in US and UK publications including Dirt, Unpleasant Event Schedule, eratio postmodern poetry, failbetter, and Find out more at

Elizabeth Pavlov
Elizabeth was born to an Eastern European mother, who taught her the poetry of paprikas, kiefle, and the fine art of all things floured and boiled to dumpling perfection. She returned recently to a family reunion in Ukraine that included home made vodka. In preparation for her return to Eastern Europe in 2007 to continue her reconstruction of family history, she labors over Russian, Hungarian, Slovak. Her cat is quite disturbed by this.

Regina Smith
Regina lives in Brooklyn, NY. She received her M.F.A. in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. She currently teaches an introductory literature course at Manhattanville College, where she also serves as an academic advisor. Regina has a mild interest in wine, strange weather, and the era of the bombshell. Her poem, She, was a finalist in The Mississippi Review 2001 Poetry Prize. She was also nominated for the Pushcart Prize for Poetry.

Beaman Cole
Pop artist Beaman Cole captures the joie de vivre he experiences in the world around him. Excitement burns across every inch of his bold and colorful canvases. Cole is blazing his own trail in the contemporary art world with his original style and fresh perspectives. With a mastery of draftsmanship and bravura with the brush, Cole paints the familiar to render it profound, profoundly exciting! His paintings burst with life, sure to put on smile on one’s face.

Cole’s paintings have been exhibited in galleries from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Carmel, California and in shows such as Art Expo- NYC plus many other group shows. His work is in corporate collections such as Medimmune Corporation, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and the Derryfield Country Club. Cole’s work was featured at the New Hampshire Institute of Art’s Biennial ‘97. International Artist magazine published Cole as one of the, “ Master Painters of the World” in 2004, issue #39.

Cole believes in benevolence and supports such charitable organizations as: The American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Aids Response Seacoast, The Jimmy Fund, and Friends of Swasey Park Pavilion.

Cole was born and raised near Troy, New York. His parents, noticing his precocious talent to draw, put him into art classes when he was eight. After drawing for one year his instructor moved Cole on to oil painting. Cole studied painting for three years. By age nine Cole had his first group show and by eleven his first solo showing. Cole opened his own studio in New Hampshire in 1994 and has been painting ever since. The artist lives and works in New Hampshire with his wife and 2 adopted daughters.

“I was given a gift to create. I hope others will find great pleasure and joy in the works I make.” - Beaman Cole

Note: "Lobster Feast" was published in International Artist Magazine - issue #39 in 2004 where Cole was named one of the "Master Painters of the World".

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